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CCP's Impact

​Culturally Competent Prevention Practices and Tools


  • Engaged 80+ youth and adults in focus groups to identify critical insights on the impact of underage drinking in Sacramento County.

  • Created a youth substance abuse prevention curriculum for Spanish speaking parents and caregivers.

  • Designed collaborative leadership assessment and implementation tools which have been adapted and used by organizations, coalitions, and health improvement initiatives such as the REACH Youth Development Initiative, Building Healthy Communities, and University of Kansas’ Community Toolbox.



Changing Norms, Systems and Policies


  • 20+ national partners signed on to CDC's National Hypertension Control Roundtable following a convening supported by CCP.

  • $75,000 in mini-grants distributed to 7 Black-women led organizations and 3 other non-profits to disseminate See Her Bloom social media campaign.

  • Launched See Her Bloom, a statewide social media campaign to prevent stigma for Black women seeking prevention and treatment services for opioid use disorders.

  • Created Be Bothered Campaign to change community norms and attitudes about youth substance use and misuse including alcohol and marijuana.

  • Worked with local health department and partners in Tulare County to enact EBT certified farmer’s markets to improve nutrition and food security for local families and residents.



Building Power


  • 450 women from 22 ethnic/cultural backgrounds completed yearlong leadership development program and health improvement projects.

  • Trained 32 community collaboratives across Northern California on using policy and advocacy as tools to improve children’s health.

  • Engaged teams of public health and community leaders from 15 California counties to develop and implement community engagement and policy, systems, and environmental change plans to promote nutrition and obesity prevention.



Supporting Equitable and Optimal Health


  • 3000 youth and adults educated in substance use prevention.

  • Over 100,000 women participated in Upspoken, a social media campaign promoting sexual health and HIV prevention for Black women in California.

  • $200,000 in mini grants distributed to 23 youth-led projects to prevent underage drinking and/or marijuana use in Sacramento County, directly engaging 5500 youth and adults in the program and reaching over 15,000 youth at local events.

  • Over 120,000 people participated in CCP trainings/workshops over the last 28 years.

  • Over 200 health improvement initiatives implemented in California over last 25 years.

  • 1000 Sacramento youth participating in a 2020 pandemic-safe graduation parade.

  • Developed competencies in designing culturally-responsive social media campigns.  Read about our lessons learned.

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Center for Collaborative Planning
1540 River Park Drive, Suite 219
Sacramento, CA 95815

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